Saturday 14 June 2008

P Diddy: 'I did Not Change My Name'

US rapper P Diddy has denied reports that claim he has once again changed his name.

Appearing in a video on his Myspace page, the rapper urged media outlets and bloggers to quash rumours that he had reverted back to one of his original pseudonyms Puff Daddy.

“Your boy has not changed his name, I did not change my name, I have not changed my name, I have not changed my name,” the rapper said.

In his video, P Diddy then abruptly changes the subject to the current American election campaign.

The rapper, who has public endorsed the democratic candidate Barack Obama, says that people should “utilise our time with something more important” than his name.

“There are millions of American's out there that are not registered to vote; lets utilise our power through your blogs to get these guys registered to vote,” he said.

Are you glad to hear P Diddy is still P Diddy? What about his thoughts on the US elections? Let us know by posting a comment below.

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